Don't Struggle to Live in Your Home

Don't Struggle to Live in Your Home

Turn to us for bathroom accessibility renovations in Shelby, Gastonia & Kings Mountain, NC

When age, illness or injuries start to slow you down, you find ways to adapt through everyday life. But you shouldn't be the only one adapting. Let Keener Builders renovate your inaccessible bathroom to make it better suit your needs. We can change up flooring style, countertops, bathtubs and toilets to make sure you can use your bathroom with ease.

Contact us today to plan your bathroom accessibility renovations in Shelby, Gastonia & Kings Mountain, NC.

Consider these changes

Everyone's accessibility needs are different, so make sure you partner with someone who will make bathroom accessibility renovations that fit you. Keener Builders will work with you to make adjustments you suggest, like...

  • Installing roll-under cabinets and lowering your countertops
  • Converting your tub to a walk-in shower with built-in seating
  • Laying down non-slip, curbless flooring that's easy to navigate
  • Rearranging plumbing fixtures to fit walkers and wheelchairs
  • Lowering or raising toilet seating to make them more accessible

Our bathroom accessibility renovations will be done with you in mind. Call 704-477-6894 today to get started.